What Tropical Flowers Are Perfect To Plant

Gardening is relaxing and fun. It takes a huge load off and can be really fun if you really get into it. If you planned on improving your home with changes then the best start would be to plant new flowers in your garden. And what’s the best kind of gardening than choosing and planting tropical flowers that would look beautiful on the landscape?

Here are some suggestions based on hgcaribbean!


They have all sorts of different colours and can survive in the harshest weathers. The best part is that they seem to flourish more when the weather is particularly harsher. You can see them growing in so many places. The different kinds of colours they give will make for a perfect background to your garden. Think of them as a base for the gardening you have in mind. You can put the other flowers upfront.


They too come in different colours and are sometimes bigger than your fist. They need a lot of sunlight too since most of the time you see them they’re always in tropical places where sunlight is most prevalent. Another thing that’s actually really great about this flower is that you can actually turn the flower into an herbal tea after you picked it out and dried it. It can lower blood pressure so this is definitely a great idea to put in your garden.

Golden Trumpets

They are also known as buttercups and are just the most adorable yellow flowers ever. It has other names other than that too. It can be called Yellow Bell and Allamanda. They can grow really wild however requires little maintenance, which is great for you when you’re busy most of the time.


Now this one is a particularly magnificent kind of flower. They may need to be maintained a little differently, since they need to be water about only five to twelve times a week (any more than that and they will literally die), however they are so worth it. Only a few of it are actually documented even though there are supposed to be about 25,000 kinds of orchids out there. In choosing for the fertilizers, you need to be careful and only choose the kind that is specifically for orchids only. Make sure to follow the instructions on the package too.


This one is a particular favorite of mine, due to the fact that you can suck on the nectar and not die for it. Its nectar is sweet and children would often pick a bunch of these just to get a taste and then turn them into bracelets or necklaces. As for gardening purposes, they bloom all year long so you don’t have to worry about them not giving your house the colourful visage you wanted.

You can pick one of these or you can pick all of them, I can guarantee that one of them would at least help you home look more welcoming than before.